Business Managers/Executives/Administrators
OBJECTIVE The purpose of the study was to examine the views of retail leaders and managers who fell under the millennial generational cohort classification with reference to their leadership practices and how those leadership practices relate to the effectiveness and efficiency of customer relationship management (CRM). METHODOLOGY The sample size included 143 managers who fell under the millennial generational cohort classification, drawn from the retail industry in the United States, responding to an online survey through Survey Monkey. The typical respondent was female (52%), college-educated (72%), and Caucasian (80%). Respondents completed the Leadership Practices Inventory, and indicated on a five-point scale how effective they felt the CRM technology was and a similar scale in terms of CRM efficiency. In this study, internal reliability coefficients were .85 Model, .87 Inspire, .87 Challenge, .88 Enable, and .89 Encourage.
KEY FINDINGS Multiple regression analysis did not show that any of the five leadership practices predicted either CRM Effectiveness or CRM Efficiency.