Become a Certified Practitioner: March 28 Register Today!

Man standing and writing on a white board during a meeting.

Become a Certified Facilitator of The Leadership Challenge®

Enhance your expertise in facilitating The Leadership Challenge® Workshop and earn a valuable credential.

Get Started

What Is The Leadership Challenge® Facilitator Certification?

The Leadership Challenge Facilitator Certification is a robust and personalized development program designed for practitioners who want to take their professional practice further. This training requires a time commitment of six months to one year and consists of:

Illustration of two computer screens side-by-side representing one-on-one coaching and mentorship.

One-on-One Coaching & Mentorship

Partner with a Certified Master Mentor for impactful one-on-one coaching.

Illustration of a woman pointing at The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Badges.

Facilitation Experience

Gain practical experience in facilitating The Leadership Challenge Workshop with feedback and coaching from your Certified Master Mentor.

Complete your facilitation experiences guided by a Certified Master to earn The Leadership Challenge Certified Facilitator credential, demonstrating proven expertise in developing high-performing leaders through The Leadership Challenge Workshop.

Illustration of three people standing among clouds and stars, with the center person holding up a The Leadership Challenge Certified Facilitator badge.

What You’ll Learn

As a Leadership Challenge Certified Facilitator, you’ll deepen the expertise needed to deliver The Leadership Challenge Workshop to help develop effective leaders. During the course, you will: 

Deepen Your Understanding of The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model, research, and key principles. 

Sharpen your facilitation techniques with guidance and feedback from your expert Certified Master.   

Apply your knowledge of The Five Practices to tailor workshop content to the unique needs of your participants.

Learn advanced methods for interpreting and using LPI® feedback to guide leaders toward exemplary leadership. 

Why Become a Leadership Challenge Certified Facilitator? 

While Facilitator certification is not a requirement to bring The Leadership Challenge to your organization, completing this training demonstrates advanced expertise and ensures you maximize your leadership development program. This course offers your organization:

Woman smiling while shaking hands with a coworker

Valuable Credential

Valuable Credential

Your Leadership Challenge Certified Facilitator credential is backed by nearly 50 years of research-based assessment experience and 200+ years of publishing excellence.

Two coworkers chatting over a desk.

Depth of Knowledge 

Depth of Knowledge 

Our Certified Facilitator program helps you take your professional practice further. It deepens your skills in facilitation and increases your mastery in The Leadership Challenge. You’ll gain professional skills to advance your coaching practice and increase your effectiveness in developing leaders to reach their personal best.

Woman wearing a headset and speaking into a computer.

Organizational Impact 

Organizational Impact 

As a Leadership Challenge Certified Facilitator, you’ll be equipped to integrate The Leadership Challenge and The Five Practices for Exemplary Leadership model into your organization's language for leadership, helping your people learn the skills they need to lead effectively.   

How to Enroll in the Certified Facilitator Program 

To become a Certified Facilitator of The Leadership Challenge, you’ll need to: 

Woman sitting on a couch working on a laptop.

Candidates must have successfully completed both the LPI Coach Training and The Leadership Challenge Trained Facilitator course.

During your Certified Facilitator training, a Certified Master will be your compass. They’ll share their expertise, guiding you in crafting a personalized development plan.
View Certified Master Directory.

View Program Overview

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