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Young female student writing in a notebook while looking at a laptop.

Student LPI® Self

Empower the next generation of leaders with self-assessment insights.

What Is the Student LPI® Self?

The Student LPI® Self is the companion assessment to The Student Leadership Challenge book. By measuring leadership behaviors through Kouzes and Posner’s Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model, it unlocks students’ leadership potential and equips them with critical development insights. This assessment is ideal for high school students, undergrad students, and youth organizations.

Students Looking for Your LPI Self Assessment?
You’re In the Right Place.

The Student Leadership Challenge book cover.

Already have an access code from the book?

Need to purchase the assessment for your course? 

How Does It Work?

Woman sitting at a laptop taking the Student LPI Self assessment.

Students access their assessment using a complimentary access code provided with the book. They begin by rating themselves on the frequency with which they exhibit 30 proven leadership behaviors. This is an opportunity for self-reflection and is an introduction for the student to the key behaviors they need to engage in frequently to be an effective leader. 

The resulting report offers the student personalized insights into their strengths and areas for improvement. This valuable feedback serves as the foundation for crafting a developmental action plan for the leader.

Download Sample Report

Upgrade to the Student LPI 360 to Amplify Impact

Leadership success depends on forging strong relationships and understanding the perceptions of others. The Student LPI 360 distills 360-degree feedback into actionable insights, enabling students to enhance self-awareness, pinpoint development areas, and forge transformative community relationships.

Upgrade to the Student LPI 360

Illustration of a man working at a laptop while his coworkers are projected on the wall in a virtual meeting. This symbolizes giving peer and community feedback.

Peer & Community Feedback

Illustration of man sitting at a laptop. This represents guided reflections and leadership tips.

Guided Reflections & Leadership Tips

Illustration of a man presenting a bar graph. This represents leadership strengths ranking.

Leadership Strengths Ranking

Shop Our Student Leadership Challenge Solutions & Products

Taking the assessment is just the beginning. Find the products proven to help your students begin their leadership journey and make an impact in their community.

The Student Leadership Challenge Workshop

Find out more about our flagship learning experience for students.

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Workshop & Instructor Materials

Get the materials and resources you need to facilitate your own Student Leadership Challenge Workshop.

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The Student Leadership Challenge Workshop

Find out more about our flagship learning experience for students.

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Workshop & Instructor Materials

Get the materials and resources you need to facilitate your own Student Leadership Challenge Workshop.

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Built on a Foundation of Research

When it comes to developing leaders, it takes more than theory. The Five Practices Model and the LPI assessments are built on a foundation of 40+ years of research, validated by independent studies, and trusted by academics worldwide. You can have confidence in the LPI for developing exemplary leaders at every level in your organization. 

5000 +

leadership case studies

750 +

independent academic research studies

40 +

years of research

8 million +

LPI users' data

Young male student speaking in front of a crowd.

Every young person dreams of doing something extraordinary. The Student Leadership Challenge provides everything this generation needs to turn a dream into reality.

Brian C. Warren Jr., Executive Director, Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity

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