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Man smiling with his arms folded in a contemporary office setting.

LPI® Self

Gain critical leadership development insights with our self-assessment. 

What Is the LPI® Self?

The LPI® Self is a self-assessment that enables leaders to assess their leadership competencies and act on their discoveries.

This powerful assessment and detailed report will help leaders take a powerful step toward achieving the extraordinary and reaching their personal leadership best. LPI self is ideal for leaders of people and academics/graduate students. Let's explore what you'll find in the report:

Man with a 50 out of 60 model the way score, 56 out of 60 Inspire a Shared Vision score, 52 out of 60 Challenge the Process score, 54 out of 60 Enable Others to Act score, and 55 out of 60 Encourage the Heart score.

The resulting report offers a view of leadership strengths and areas for improvement, along with reflection exercises to further the learning.

How Does It Work?

Man working at a laptop taking the LPI Self assessment.

Leaders begin by rating themselves on the frequency with which they exhibit 30 proven leadership behaviors. This self-evaluation serves as an introduction to the essential behaviors required for effective leadership.

The resulting report offers personalized insights, shedding light on the leader’s strengths and areas for improvement. This valuable feedback serves as the foundation for crafting a developmental action plan for the leader.

Learning Experiences that Bring LPI 360 Insights to Life

Enhance the impact of the LPI 360 assessment with one of our facilitator-led learning experiences.

The Leadership Challenge® Workshop

8 Hours

Dive deep into The Five Practices and develop an action plan based on personalized LPI results.

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The Challenge Continues™ Workshop

8 Hours

Follow-up to The Leadership Challenge Workshop—leaders see their growth over 9-18 months.

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The LPI® Debrief

2-4 hours

Helps leaders unlock critical self-awareness to learn and grow from their personalized LPI results.

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The Leadership Challenge® Workshop

8 Hours

Dive deep into The Five Practices and develop an action plan based on personalized LPI results.

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The Challenge Continues® Workshop

8 Hours

Follow-up to The Leadership Challenge Workshop—leaders see their growth over 9-18 months.

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The LPI® Debrief

2-4 hours

Helps leaders unlock critical self-awareness to learn and grow from their personalized LPI results.

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Built on a Foundation of Research

When it comes to developing leaders, it takes more than theory. The Five Practices Model and the LPI assessments are built on a foundation of 40+ years of research, validated by independent studies, and trusted by academics worldwide. You can have confidence in the LPI for developing exemplary leaders at every level in your organization. 

5000 +

leadership case studies

750 +

independent academic research studies

40 +

years of research

8 million +

LPI users' data

Praise for The Leadership Challenge®

Logo for Boys and Girls Clubs of America

See how The Boys and Girls Club of America embraced The Leadership Challenge to not only transform their leaders, but their entire culture.

Want to learn more about the LPI Self assessment?

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