Become a Certified Practitioner: March 28 Register Today!

Smiling woman taking notes while looking at a laptop.

Become a Certified Master of The Leadership Challenge®

Achieve mastery in The Leadership Challenge® and earn an esteemed credential.

Get Started

What Is a Certified Master of The Leadership Challenge®?

A Certified Master is an expert in The Leadership Challenge, demonstrating top mastery of The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® and the LPI®. They are committed to elevating leadership excellence within The Leadership Challenge Community.

Illustration of three people standing among clouds and stars, with the center person holding up a The Leadership Challenge Certified Master badge.

What Is the Certified Master-in-Training Development Program? 

The Leadership Challenge Certified Master-in-Training program is a robust, personalized, one-to-two-year development program designed for practitioners who want to achieve expertise in The Leadership Challenge and become a contributing member of our community to earn the distinguished credential of Certified Master. The training consists of: 

Illustration of two computer screens side-by-side representing one-on-one coaching and mentorship.

One-on-One Coaching & Mentorship 

Partner with a Certified Master Mentor to receive expert guidance on your personalized development plan and leadership journey.

Illustration of a woman pointing at The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Badges.

Facilitation and Coaching Experience 

Gain hands-on expertise in facilitating and coaching The Leadership Challenge learning experiences, with personalized guidance from your Certified Master Mentor.

Illustration of a virtual classroom.

Organizational Impact 

You’ll be equipped to tailor The Leadership Challenge learning experiences based on an organization’s unique needs, helping their people develop effective leadership skills.

Illustration of a person at the center and four people around them.

Access to a Rich Community

Gain access to and learn from a community of peers dedicated to using The Leadership Challenge to develop exceptional leaders.

Why Become a Certified Master?

Becoming a Certified Master requires a deep commitment and dedication to The Leadership Challenge. But the result is truly a worthwhile endeavor as it will provide you and your organization with: 

Why Become a Certified Master? 

Becoming a Certified Master requires a deep commitment and dedication to The Leadership Challenge. But the result is truly a worthwhile endeavor as it will provide you and your organization with: 

Woman smiling with her arms crossed.

A Distinguished Credential 

A Distinguished Credential 

Your Leadership Challenge Certified Master credential is backed by nearly 50 years of research-based assessment experience and 200+ years of publishing excellence. We’ll showcase your distinctive credentials on our website in our Certified Master Directory. 

Smiling man wearing a headset and waving into a computer.

Expertise & Knowledge Mastery 

Expertise & Knowledge Mastery 

Through our 1-on-1 mentoring approach, you’ll learn from our distinguished community of experts to gain the highest level of expertise in the model, our assessments, report results, facilitation best practices, how to customize our solutions to fit your unique needs, and more.  

Two coworkers smiling while in a medial office setting.

Organizational Impact 

Organizational Impact 

You’ll be equipped to integrate and customize The Leadership Challenge learning experiences based on your organization's unique needs, helping your people learn the skills they need to lead effectively.   

Two coworkers chatting in a contemporary office setting.

Open Enrollment Workshops and Coaching 

Open Enrollment Workshops and Coaching 

As a Leadership Challenge Certified Master, you’ll have the authority to deliver Leadership Challenge Workshops, Facilitator and Practitioner Certification, and LPI Coach Training. Whether it’s in public/open enrollment events hosted by global training partners or within organizations, your expertise will drive transformational leadership experiences. 

Two coworkers smiling and high fiving.

Thriving Community

Thriving Community

You'll join a global community of experienced, esteemed, and like-minded leadership experts who further the mission of The Leadership Challenge brand and community. 

How to Enroll in the Certified Master-in-Training Program 

To become a Certified Facilitator of The Leadership Challenge, you’ll need to: 

Woman sitting on a couch working on a laptop.

Candidates must have completed The Leadership Challenge Facilitator Certification.

During your Certified Master training, a Certified Master Mentor will be your compass. They’ll share their expertise, guiding you in crafting a personalized development plan. Find a Certified Master Mentor.

Under the guidance of your Certified Master Mentor, you’ll complete your training application, including your personal statement of intent and interview. Upon approval of your application and interview, you’ll work with your mentor to complete your development plan. 

View Program Overview

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