Become a Certified Practitioner: March 28 Register Today!

Man, fist bumping a coworker in a contemporary office setting.

Become an LPI® Trained Coach

Earn a professional credential to guide and develop effective leaders using insights from the Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI®).

Get Started

What Is LPI Coach Training?

The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) Coach Training course is a two-day, virtual learning experience designed for practitioners who want to use the LPI to coach leaders. The course consists of:

Illustration of a virtual classroom.

Virtual Classroom

Participate in two 4-hour virtual classroom sessions over two days with a Certified Master of The Leadership Challenge®.

Illustration of a person at the center and four people around them representing coaching peer feedback

Coaching Practice 
& Peer Feedback

Practice coaching techniques using the LPI and receive valuable feedback from your peers in a safe environment.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants earn the LPI Trained Coach credential, demonstrating expertise in coaching high-performing leaders and interpreting LPI insights.

llustration of three people standing among clouds and stars, with the center person holding up a The Leadership Challenge LPI Trained Coach badge.

What You’ll Learn

As an LPI Trained Coach, you’ll cultivate the confidence and expertise necessary to facilitate impactful coaching experiences that foster the growth of effective leaders. During the course, you will:

Deepen Your Understanding

Immerse yourself in the LPI, delve into relevant research, and grasp key principles.

Unlock Direction and Insight

Explore how the LPI can serve as a compass, providing valuable guidance and profound insights for the individuals you coach.

Harness Development Resources

Dive deeper into the LPI’s development resources to enhance your coaching impact.

Skillfully Interpret and Present the LPI

Develop the skills to analyze LPI reports thoughtfully and convey your findings effectively.

Why Become an LPI Trained Coach? 

While becoming a trained coach is not required to bring The Leadership Challenge to your organization, completing the LPI Coach Training course equips you with leadership coaching skills and demonstrates proven expertise. This course offers you and your organization:

Woman smiling while shaking hands with a coworker

Valuable Credential

Valuable Credential

Your LPI Trained Coach credential is backed by nearly 50 years of research-based assessment experience and 200+ years of publishing excellence.

Two coworkers smiling and fist bumping across a meeting room table

Depth of Knowledge 

Depth of Knowledge 

Learn from a Certified Master of The Leadership Challenge. You'll gain expertise in our assessments, report results, coaching best practices, and more.

Two coworkers smiling while wearing hardhats in a warehouse setting

Organizational Impact 

Organizational Impact 

As an LPI Trained Coach, you’ll be equipped to develop your leaders through powerful coaching sessions, helping your organization gain the skills and muscle to accelerate organizational transformation.

Course Details

By enrolling in LPI Coach Training, you’ll receive the following course materials:

LPI Coach Training course materials.

LPI® 360 Assessment

The Leadership Challenge 7th Edition

A Coach’s Guide to Developing Exemplary Leaders® Second Edition

The Leadership Challenge Facilitation Set with digital LPI Facilitator’s Guide  

LPI Action Cards

LPI Coach Training Participant Booklet 

Praise for LPI Coach Training

Smiling woman standing and shrugging while two coworkers smile up at her while working at their laptops.

I would definitely recommend LPI Coach Training. It gives you insight on each practice and provides the information and confidence you need to start coaching individuals.

Jessica Coleman, Training & Development Coordinator Sr., Virginia Department of Corrections

Looking for more course dates? Visit our Training Events Calendar

Ready to Become a Trained Coach?

To register for LPI Coach Training, complete the form below, and a representative will connect with you to finalize your enrollment. 

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