The Courage to Change: Striving for Magnet Hospital Recognition

Healthcare    Managers/Executives/Administrators

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TITLE The Courage to Change: Striving for Magnet Hospital Recognition
School of Education
University of San Diego
Doctoral Dissertation: May 2005

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in hospital leaders in magnet hospitals compared to "matched" non-magnet hospitals.

The population consisted of all (N=97) magnet hospitals found in the AHA hospital database, and three matched (on 11 characteristics) non-magnet hospitals for each. Surveys were sent to CEOs and CNOs (chief nursing officer) in identified hospitals, resulting in a useable data set of 79 individuals from which 26 CEO-CNO pairs were grouped with 21 from non-magnet and 5 from magnet hospitals. Respondents completed the LPI, the Scale for Innovativeness (Hurt, Joseph & Cook, 1977), the Index of Perceived Organizational Effectiveness (Mott, 1972) and provided demographic information.

Non-significant correlations were generally found between LPI scores and age, gender, years of administration, years in current position and educational degrees for both CEOs and CNOs, except for Encouraging with CEO years in position and CNO degree with Modeling, Challenging and Enabling.

CEO Modeling and Challenging were correlated with Index of Perceived Organizational Effectiveness (IPOE) productivity and CNO Modeling was correlated with IPOE productivity. Although not significant, for the CEOs, innovativeness did have a medium effect size correlation with Challenge and small to medium effects for Inspire and Enable. CEOs also had two negative small to medium nonsignificant effects for the relationship between innovativeness and Encourage. CNOs also reflected this near medium effect relationship between innovativeness and Encourage. For CNOs there was, in addition, a non-significant small to medium effect relationship between innovativeness and Model that was negative.