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Great Leadership Creates Great Workplaces

Dec 15, 2020

Challenge Provides an Opportunity for Greatness

As the end of the year approaches, it is impossible to overlook the challenges we have collectively faced in 2020. From the global Covid-19 pandemic to the uprising over police brutality and racial equity, leadership, and what that looks like, has been at the forefront of all our minds. Great leaders are needed now more than ever on every level. Perhaps surprisingly, these challenges provide an opportunity for growth, as facing setbacks, adversity, and crisis can create exemplary leaders – if you are willing to do the work it takes to become one.

Research shows a marked difference in the amount of productivity, engagement, and enthusiasm leaders who employ The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership get from their teams, vs. those who do not habitually work to become more effective leaders. Studies have shown that employees whose leaders are ineffective have less commitment, motivation, and loyalty to their work which can hurt your bottom line.

Whether on a global scale or in our everyday business, everyone has the potential to be a great leader by following The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Great leadership does not happen overnight, however. As the authors of The Leadership Challenge® James M Kouzes and Barry Posner say, “great leaders are great learners.” Learning The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership and consistently working on them in your business can pave the way for growth in very tangible ways.

Download Great Leadership Creates Great Workplaces today and learn more about The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership, which behaviors and actions make a difference, what we can do to become exemplary leaders, and how we can help others improve their leadership abilities.

Great Leadership Creates Great Workplaces is a deep-dive into research-proven techniques to improve your leadership abilities which has the potential to then increase your workplace productivity and bottom line. Make one of your New Year’s resolutions to become the exemplary leader you have the potential to be. Not only for you, but for your team, so you can focus on the business of making extraordinary things possible.

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