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Tips for Unlocking Exemplary Leadership in the AI Era

Sep 18, 2024

Janelle Beck, Senior Copy Editor & Tracey Carney EdD, Research Manager

In today’s rapidly evolving world of work, artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer a futuristic concept but a present-day reality. While AI promises transformative benefits, actually identifying those benefits, and the tangible steps to attain them, provides organizations with a challenge – and according to Wiley Workplace Intelligence research, a fair amount of stress.

A staggering 96% of individuals surveyed report feeling stress about changes in their work environment, and the ambiguity of AI is a major contributor to this phenomenon. The uncertainty surrounding AI’s role, its integration, and its impact on job roles can leave people feeling anxious and overwhelmed. In this climate of change, the role of exemplary leadership becomes crucial. Leaders must not only navigate the complexities of AI implementation, often without a blueprint, while also guiding their teams through the turbulence of this transition.

Wiley Workplace Intelligence surveyed 2,005 individuals on stress around AI integration, as well as levels of preparedness from organizations and leaders and what we found provides guidance on how exemplary leadership is the key to navigating the AI era.

The Time is Now for Identifying AI Strategy

While respondents reported high levels of stress around change at work, questions about AI specifically garnered curiosity and indifference above other emotions with 43% reporting curiosity and 23% indifference. We can glean from this that it is an opportune time for organizations to further solidify their guidelines and expectations around AI integration. In fact, taking the time to outline how AI can benefit your organization and satisfy that curiosity while also reducing stress.

Levels of Confidence with Leadership and AI

  • A bubble graphic with 80% inside and two team members working together over a computer.

    80% of people think their manager is supportive of their efforts to integrate AI.

  • Blue bubble graphic with 60% inside and a woman working with multiple depictions of graphs and data.

    60% of people believe their manager is knowledgeable about how to integrate AI.

  • A bubble graphic with 63% inside and a woman carrying a book with a thumbs up.

    63% of people believe their manager has the skills to support the implementation of AI.

These statistics reveal a significant difference in how employees perceive their managers' support and expertise when it comes to integrating AI into their organizations. While 80% of employees feel that their managers are supportive of their efforts to embrace AI, this supportive sentiment does not fully translate into confidence in their managers' capabilities.

This gap indicates that while employees recognize the intention and encouragement of their leaders, there is less confidence around whether they have the practical knowledge to translate AI’s potential into workflow strategies. That lack of confidence is justified, as only 33% of people managers shared that they have the skills to support AI integration, illuminating an area of opportunity for organizations.

Identify AI Capabilities to Model the Way

A man working at a desk with a laptop with a bubble graphic of 15% and a bullseye.

Only 15% of employees are aware of a clear strategy for AI implementation.

Exemplary leaders Model the Way, and our research showed that the majority of those surveyed are not aware of their organization’s clear strategy around AI implementation. It is imperative that leaders start considering if and how they will incorporate AI capabilities into their workflows and provide training and communication, as necessary. Ambiguity is a significant contributor to stress and taking the time now, while attitudes around AI are open and curious, to clarify how your people can and should engage AI is imperative.

This situation is further highlighted by the fact that just 34% of people managers feel equipped with the skills needed for AI implementation. This lack of a coherent strategy and perceived skill deficiency among managers suggests that organizations are facing a crucial challenge: bridging the gap between supportive leadership and the practical expertise required to leverage AI effectively. Leaders must address these gaps by investing in their own knowledge and skills, as well as by developing and communicating a clear AI strategy.

Top Tips to Take AI From Idea to Reality

How Leaders Can Model the Way During AI Integration

  • A blue badge with three team members supporting the person in the middle.

    Provide Robust Support

  • A blue badge with a person inside talking into a megaphone.


  • A person stands in the middle of three smaller graphics balancing a piece of paper, a lightbulb, and a clock.

    Communicate Change Effectively

  • Blue badge graphic with a teacher teaching a class with a graphic on the board.

    Explain Reasons and Benefits

To effectively lead teams through the AI transition and alleviate the stress associated with it, leaders can focus on the following four key step to Model the Way:

  1. Provide Robust Support: According to our research, 68% of employees believe that their manager’s support is crucial in reducing stress during the AI transition. Leaders should actively engage with their teams, offering resources, training, and emotional support to help them adapt to new technologies. This could involve regular check-ins, access to AI training programs, and creating a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their concerns.
  2. Foster Transparency: Transparency is essential for building trust and reducing uncertainty. With 54% of employees valuing transparency, leaders should be open about the AI integration process, including the goals, timelines, and potential impacts to job roles. Providing clear, honest updates and addressing any questions or concerns can help mitigate anxiety.
  3. Communicate Changes Effectively: Effective communication is critical during periods of change. Since 50% of employees emphasize the importance of clear communication, leaders should ensure that changes are communicated clearly and promptly. This involves not only detailing what changes are happening but also how they will be implemented and what employees can expect.
  4. Explain the Reasons Behind Changes: Understanding the rationale for changes can significantly reduce stress. As 48% of employees find it helpful when leaders explain the reasons behind changes, leaders should take the time to articulate why AI is being introduced, how it aligns with the organization’s goals, and how it will benefit both the company and employees.

By focusing on these four steps—providing robust support, fostering transparency, communicating changes effectively, and explaining the reasons behind changes—leaders at all levels can take steps to proactively support their people and pave the way for a smooth transition in the AI era.

Organizations can unlock the power of leadership by engaging assessment and learning experiences like The Leadership Challenge, it is possible to identify areas of both strength and opportunity in everyone, promoting exemplary leadership at all levels in your organization.

Wiley Workplace Intelligence conducts in-depth research on key workplace issues by gathering insights from individual contributors, managers, and leaders. Wiley Workplace Intelligence then analyzes these findings to provide actionable solutions that are shared in our blog.

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