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Model the Way in a Hybrid Workplace

Oct 8, 2021

Many workplaces all over the world are settling into a new normal: permanent hybrid working environments. And while these new working arrangements can look different across sectors, companies, and even sometimes within teams, it can be difficult for leaders to know where to begin when thinking about how to keep their teams engaged and successfully transition to this new world of work. Leaders can do this in part by modeling the way for their team.

Prior to the pandemic, leaders could more easily and visibly model exemplary leadership behaviors. However, modeling the way in a hybrid workplace becomes even more important because, in times of change, teams are at more risk of feeling disconnected. This is why it’s crucial for leaders to consistently and clearly model the behaviors they want to see in their teams. Here are our top five tips to Model the Way in the hybrid workplace:

Five Tips for Modeling the Way in a Hybrid Workplace: Reflect, Be Authentic, Actively Listen, Plan Decisively, and Do What You Say You Will Do.

With some form of hybrid work here to stay in many workplaces, leaders need the skills necessary to be successful and build thriving teams. Help guide your leaders through this journey with the research-validated Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI®) assessment—and the proven Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership to empower them to achieve the extraordinary. With these insights and guidance, individuals at any level and in any organization can identify exactly where they excel as leaders and where they have opportunities to improve. Want to learn more about modeling the way? Discover how exemplary leadership starts with you.

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