May 13, 2020
Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner
Faced with change, adversity, and stress, leaders have a responsibility to create a climate in which people can thrive. To help you prepare for that challenge, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner identify six actionable strategies to strengthen resilience and fully engage people during uncertain times. Adapted from their book Turning Adversity into Opportunity, the following three strategies will help get you started. To implement each of these strategies, identify a situation you and your constituents are currently facing. Pause and reflect on the questions associated with each strategy and engage others you are working with in exploring how to broaden its application to address your collective challenge. Strategy #1: Broaden the Context This challenge is occurring in a larger context. Change and transition have happened before. Adversity has been overcome.
Strategy #2: Defy the Verdict People need to know what's really going on. They want to know the truth. And, while resilient leaders “don't deny the diagnosis,” at the same time, they "defy the verdict" of doom.
Being willing to defy the verdict and giving people reasons why, are critical to keeping them focused on what is possible.
Strategy #3: Fully Commit to What's Important Change demands our full attention, imagination, and effort. People need to know what's most meaningful and important. And research suggests that there is a significant measurable impact on people’s performance when their values are clear.
Being fully committed is what keeps you and your constituents on track and willing to struggle through the hard times.
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