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LPI® Research Permissions FAQs

Use the LPI® in Your Research

We welcome interested academicians and scholars at accredited institutions of higher learning to request permission to use the LPI®: Leadership Practices Inventory® (LPI) in empirical research studies. To qualify for use of the LPI, researchers are expected to publicize their findings beyond the study group. This could include any of the following: published in a scholarly journal, used in a dissertation or Master’s thesis, or for some other similarly credentialed forum.

Additionally, the researcher will be asked to share their findings with Wiley and The Leadership Challenge team to be published publicly on the website and, potentially, used in other The Leadership Challenge® brand related messaging. The most basic threshold leading to approval of research requests by Wiley is that the research hypothesis should contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the discipline or address contemporary issues in leadership.

Before you can begin, you MUST complete the online permissions Request Form.

Our office will review your application. If approved, you will be sent a letter of agreement granting you permission to utilize the LPI. Once you’ve signed and returned your letter of agreement, you will need to reach out to the LPI Research Team ([email protected]). The LPI Research Team will be able to answer any final questions you may have regarding use of the LPI and will connect you with a representative to help you finalize payment and access to the LPI Instruments. This process usually takes about 4 to 6 weeks from the time that you complete your online application to the time that you will have been set up with access to your desired product.

The LPI is most appropriate for those in the professional or higher educational field who wish to conduct research among other professionals. LPI has a more varied scale. It anticipates the participants have spent enough time in their respective professional fields with which to draw context for self-reflection and/or feedback via the Self or 360 questionnaires.

The Student LPI® is designed for students with little to no formal business experience and varying levels of experience with leadership itself. The Student LPI tool is appropriate in high school and college classrooms, student government, campus clubs, fraternities, sororities, first-year experience programs, community service and service-learning organizations, athletic teams, and youth organizations.

To access the LPI, you will be charged a $100 (USD) license fee. This fee includes a discounted one-time purchase of a single PDF copy of the LPI instrument and permission to use the LPI instrument in your research.

LPI instruments that may be requested for research use include the LPI 360, LPI Self, and Student LPI instruments. Please indicate the LPI instrument(s) you wish to include in your research in the permission request form.

Yes. If you wish to post any materials from the LPI in a third-party survey provider, you shall give us prior written notice of your intentions and the name of the third-party platform in which you intend to post the LPI materials, as well as the start and end date of the post. You will also provide us with a link to the post so that we can verify the posting complies with the terms of the agreement between you and Wiley, and so that we may ensure that the post has been disabled at the conclusion of your research project. In no case may you post PDFs of any LPI instruments on any public website.

No. The language of the LPI is based on decades of research and is specifically worded with that research in mind.

The materials provided through the research program are only available in English.